So another day another web 2.0 application learned. I spent the beginning part of class fretting about how my new computer already got a virus only to find out that my virus protection was outdated (already) and Steve had to come to the rescue (thanks again Steve.) I should probably use the computer a little more often so that I know these things. I think that this class would have been less frustrating for me if I was on my own computer. I wouldn't have to hunt down which window I was in and I could have easily accessed files on my own computer. However, we all know that technology does not always cooperate and we as users need to be flexible and adaptable. I would say that in my past ten years of teaching that being flexible and adaptable is the most important lesson that I have learned. I found the scavenger hunt to be useful and tiring at the same time. I think that being such a large document made it feel daunting and overwhelming. I will be interested to figure out how to do the rest of the things that were on that list. I was happy to take a break from it though.
I am excited to try Jing. I think that is an application that will be easily adaptable into my classroom and to a parent resource center on my eboard. I know that math is taught very differently know then it used to be and I think that parents would be very excited to have a place to go to get the class notes explained so they feel capable to help their children. I think that I may want to do an independent project creating a parent resource website of how to for pre-algebra parents so that they can watch the jings and use the worksheets as extra practice for their kids. I will have to see if that is an appropriate project, I wonder what a point total would be for something like that? Any suggestions?
Well I will leave with this.....Everything in our lives is all about perspective whether it is our own or our students. This is the perspective that I prefer......
It will be exciting to see how you use Jing with your math lessons. I used screencasting all the time for computer class. Especially when students were absent or forgot how to save something in the proper area. It was most especially useful for my students who were able to work ahead of the group, they did not need to be held back while I worked with the rest. The 6th graders used and screencastle to make their own videos to show the upcoming 6th graders. They are on the Hammonton Middle school channel on
ReplyDeleteThat's a good idea Michelle. I like the idea of kids teaching kids.